Kerala Municipality’s Mandatory Rule to Plant Two Mango or Jackfruit Saplings for House Registration

In the current era, we have been witnessing immense environmental crisis due to several factors. Some of them include climate change, acid rains, and global warming. The major solution to overcome the environmental crisis in the world is to plant a sapling in your home. By planting at least one or two saplings could help people survive for more years on the earth.

It is the responsibility of each and every individual to save the ecosystem. Despite growing the trees, there are people who cut them for their requirements. As a result, pollution levels have been increasing all over the city. With an intention to put an end to such devastating issues, the municipal corporation of Kerala has come up with a great initiative. We wish everyone will take inspiration from Kondungallur, a small town in the state of Kerala.

The Municipality of this town in Kerala has made it obligatory for each and every house to plant at least 2 trees in their compound. The rule they had made is that they need to do it if they want to register their house. It has turned out to become a pre-requisite for the house owners in order to get their house registered.

If there are no trees in the compound of a house then, it indicates that that has no registration. As per the latest scheme, people who want to construct a house in their town must and should plant at least 2 trees such as jackfruit or mango in their compound. After the completion of the house construction, a group of officers will visit the house in order to check the well-being of the tree. Only then, they will give approval for their house registration.

This official rule is applicable for the houses having 15000 square feet or if the houses are built in an area of minimum of 8 cents. Kodungallur is the first and foremost municipal body to make such an initiative for maintaining greenery in the town. We wish our metro cities like Hyderabad, Delhi and others will bring such an initiative for reducing pollution and environmental crisis across the country.