Best Solution for People with No Hearing Capabilities!

New Delhi (14/11/2019): The 58th Round of National Sample Survey in 2002 surveyed disability in Indian households and found that hearing disability was the second most commonly occurring form of disability and the top most cause of sensory deficit. According to the 2011 census Delhi had more than 34,000 people suffering from severe hearing impairment; with better survey methods currently available and fresh data, that number is likely to be several times higher.

Today at a press conference, Ten News had an interaction with Hrithik. A guy who was born with no hearing capabilities but somehow managed his lifestyle using hearing aid while his hearing issue was at 40% of its stage.

But before Hrithik was going to start with his Higher School studies, his hearing impairment reached more than 90% of its stage.

Hrithik then went for hearing aid implant after consulting Dr. S.C. Sharma (ENT specialist, All India Institute of Medical Sciences)

At the same conference, Dr. S.C. Sharma stated, “Hearing is one of those absolutely critical and thankfully, treatable human senses. It is disturbing to see a child born with hearing loss continuing their entire life that way. Like Brett says – No one deserves to live in silence, and I completely agree. Early detection and timely intervention will empower these young children to live their life to the fullest. However, if left untreated, it can not only affect communication and overall development, it can also lead to social isolation, anxiety and depression for their entire lives. But due to UNHS and early detection along with technological advancements and innovative medical devices like cochlear implants with consistent therapy and habilitation, we have been able to restore hearing, improve outcomes and combat this challenge. UNHS will add to our capacity to reduce the impact of deafness, and its future cost on society.”