Unexpected Dangers while Driving

Driving is a skill which I personally believe every human should know much similar to swimming and riding a bike. While one may argue that automated transport is on its way and is ready to replace the manual shifts, I say till it becomes extremely mainstream let’s enjoy this activity to the best we can. Today let us discuss some unexpected events that can occur in your car which could baffle even the most experienced of drivers.

Objects lying around the car is a very serious issue as several times in an extremely messy car we can find small objects lying on the floor mat. The most common of which are plastic bottles, there is always a probability that these bottles could get lodged in between the pedals, thereby interfering with the driving which could lead to serious accidents. The same can be said about our incorrect fitting floor mats. This mat could also jam up your pedal movement if not careful. I would advise all my readers to drive with their footwear on but there is certain footwear which should be avoided as much as possible.

Footwear that is loose and can easily slide or come off must be avoided as during pedal shifting there is a chance that the footwear could loosen from your grip leading to the above-mentioned possibilities. Sitting posture is another important factor that one needs to take it account. You need to be placed in a manner that gives you a clear understanding of the entire important checklist to do while driving including a total 360-degree awareness of the used car. There are positions that even though one might be tempted to sit are not optimum when it comes to security concerns and therefore must be avoided.