Shri Arjun Munda, Union Minister for Tribal Affairs launched the “e-governance initiatives for ST Welfare schemes” at a function organized by Ministry of Tribal Affairs here today. Smt. Renuka Singh Saruta, Minister of State for Tribal Affairs, Ms. AnusuiyaUikey, Vice Chairperson, NCST, Shri Ramesh Chand Meena, Chairperson, TRIFED and Shri Deepak Khandekar, Secretary, Minister of Tribal Affairs were present. A power point presentation on these new e-governance initiatives was made on the occasion.
Shri Munda applauded the teamworkefforts of the Ministry of Tribal affairs for thesee-governance initiatives for Scheduled Tribes Welfare schemes and said that as per the “SabkaSaath, SabkaVikas and SabkaVishwas”, these e-governance initiatives will serve their purpose of the betterment of tribal communities across the nation. He called upon the officials of Ministry of Tribal Affairs to prepare a Databank of the previous beneficiaries of the schemes of the ministry on a priority basis. He emphasized that the officials of the ministry have to achieve the target of completion of its tasks before time.
In her address, Smt. Renuka Singh, Minister of State for Tribal Affairs said that these useful e-governance initiatives for the Scheduled Tribes welfare schemes will be proved as a milestone.
Ministry of Tribal Affairs has developed online portals namely DBT Tribal ( and NGO Grants Online Application & Tracking System ( for bringing in greater e-Governance in implementation of welfare schemes for STs. In DBT Tribal portal, there are 3 main modules for Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship. Data Sharing module is mainly meant for sharing beneficiary-data by States. In Communication module, the States have facility to upload documents, raise query and DBT data uploaded by States is used for faster release of funds. Monitoring module has facility of MIS reports & Dashboards.
Ministry has further developed module for verification of students by Universities and Colleges under Fellowship scheme and Grievance Module for all stake holders including beneficiary students in 03 Central Sector schemes and Institutions.
The NGO portal, developed for implementing scheme of Aid to Voluntary Organizations working for the welfare of STs, has been fully revamped & redesigned with simplified Application form, Inspection Report and Fund Processing module. The portal has been re-opened on today for FY 2019-20 for NGOs and States for online application.