Love packages: Man offers ‘boyfriend on rent’ services on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and social media is already swamped with hearts, roses, cupids and other icons of love.

And if you are looking for a boyfriend but feeling cagey about investing in love, you could consider renting one.

Shakul Gupta, a 26-year-old Gurgaon-based entrepreneur, is all ready to rent himself out and provide four “packages” from “holding hands” to “anything you want” on Valentine’s Day this year.

Gupta has listed out a host of personas that he can pull off for “prospective girlfriends” and also promised to double up as a “makeup practice model”. But if you prefer to just lazy around, he could make you “any kind of food” and watch Netflix too.

“Your family will love me and so will your friends,” Gupta, who describes himself as generous, open-minded and idealistic, says on Facebook.