Notice to impeach CJI : Advocates says it is unjustified , darkest day in the history of India

K M Kapur , Advocate.

Although it is a political move, first in the history of democratic India n therefore I as an advocate may not be in a position to say much on the move yet I will like to comment that move is unwanted, unwarranted and unjustified. The present Chief Justice of India is very very brilliant and sharp and is capable of deciding the toughest matters on its merits and without an iota of bias. He as Chief Justice conducts the Court in a manner which is worth watching. As it is always believed that Indian Judiciary is Independent and no interference in it by any Government is entertained then by that yardstick the so-called alleged Notice of impeachment is nothing but an interference in Judiciary. He will be completing his tenure as CJI on Ist October, 2018 and there should not be any move to dislodge him before that. He should be allowed to complete his term peacefully. Any impeachment move made by the political parties will meet its Waterloo in Parliament. This move is certainly unfortunate and will establish as a black day if moved n discussed.

Adv Priti Sirohi

Freedom of the Indian Judiciary at stake:-
Today is the darkest day in the history of Indian Judicial System as the Legislature has directly interfered in the working of the Hon’ble CJI by moving an impeachment motion against him. This has sent a wrong message to the lower judiciary as now the judges will be frightened to take decisions in any High Profile case. They’ll be undee a constant fear of being removed from the office if the decision doesn’t pleases the politicians. This is a vlear misuse of the power given to them by the Indian Constitution.