CAT 2017: Few Tips You Need to Remember

New Delhi, Nov 9: The Common Admission Test (CAT) 2017 for admissions into Indian Institute of Management and other business schools is scheduled for November 26. Now that only a few days left for the exam, the candidates who are appearing for the CAT 2017 need to remember a few tips before they appear for the exam. The experts have always advised that the candidates should not start anything new before the exam but should just do mock tests and keep formulas at their fingertips.

Mock tests should be done with the exam time slot. This will help you in getting along with the time and complete your tests before time.


Do not read anything new. Leave all that you haven’t touched. Just keep practicing the topics that you have already prepared for. This will help you in clearing all the questions related to those topics. Do mock tests, analyse your results and improve. See what are your weak areas and work on them. Accuracy is extremely important.


The more you practice now, the more you will be able to crack the questions as fast as possible. Practicing repeatedly will help in increasing your speed and managing the time allotted for each section.


If you have practiced with exam time slot, it won’t be difficult for you to crack questions on the topics you know. Try to attempt all the questions that you think are easy, but make sure you are accurate. If you have read a topic well, it won’t take you much time crack those questions. Check them off your list and then move on to the other questions.

Also, you do not have to attempt all the questions. Focus on what you can do with the given time slot.


Don’t get hyper or tense or restless before your exam. Watch movies, listen to some soulful music or whatever you like to refresh yourself and calm yourself down. Relax, it is not a life exam.