ICHR Celebrated Repubkic Day through Virtual Meeting


New Delhi, 23rd January 2022. The Repubkic Day was celebrated by Indian Council for Human Relations, yesterday in the presence and glare of the Diplomats and Progressive Thinkers of the Society. The Chairperson Smt. Aruna Oswal, Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Sh. K. L. Malhotra and Sh. Prem Singh Dhingra were on the virtual Dias. The guests were welcomed by Sh. Gaurav Gupta. The opening remarks were given by Smt. Atuna Oswal.
The Declaration of Indian Independence on 26th January 1930, the enforcement of the Constitution of India on 16th January 1050 and the celebration of the first Republic Day on January 26, 1950 were all quoted and recalled by eminent speakers, HE Dr Roger Gopaul, High Commissioner Trinidad and Tobago, MP, Sujit Kumar, MP, Alphons Kannanthanam, HE K. L. Ganju, Sh. S. Y. Quraishi, Former Chief EC of India, Air Marshall Sh. Naresh Verma, Wg. Cdr. Praful Bakshi. The loud applaud was given to Dr. Sandeep Marwah, when he submitted to the audience, the achievements of India, in few years, heading at levels 2, 3 and 4 in Entire World in Cement, Steel, Textile, Power, Refining and topping in many World Records.
Every one expressed joy in attending this event in enthrallment. All affirmed to the honour of the Constitution of India in practice in our living in society and in daily lives. The Concluding Remarks were given by the Vice President, Prem Singh Dhingra. Always vibrant Vote of Thanks were proposed by the General Secretary Sh. K. L. Malhotra. The meeting dispersed in regular exchange of pleasantries to each other.