Message of DG Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) to retired ITBP personnel

It is tough time around the world for humans due to invisible Corona virus attacking humans indiscriminately. India has made multiple arrangements to control its damaging consequences. COVID19 PROTOCOL safety measures have been strictly enforced by all agencies fully supported by public. Activities of all citizens are confined to homes. It may cause difficulties in our daily life, may directly get affected by COVID19.
All our Himveers have rendered selfless services during your service phases. Today’s ITBP has attained heights due to your generation of Himveers. You put your life and blood at stake, sweated day and night, but dedicatedly kept ITBP flag flying high. Several of your colleagues made supreme sacrifices. Your sincere and passionate efforts served the nation and society continuously; you set great ethics and practices as a way of life. ITBP is well respected and dependable force of the Nation. Great salute to you all.
Now in these tough times, in case you face any difficulty, please contact your nearest ITBP field Unit. They are ever ready to help you out. You have trained this force to help people in need. We are with all our retirees in this phase of life. ITBP is rendering great services to nation as country needs, with your blessings and good wishes.