Worship God at religious places and private places only

Rajiv Goyal


News related to interrupting Friday namaz by few activist of Hindu sangthan published in all newspapers. I found it disturbing and part of same campaign of BJP to polarise votes.

However, going by stand taken by Spokesperson of Haryana BJP on Aajtak , I found it completely reasonable response. No one according to him, irrespective of religion, can use roads & parks or other govt land, for personal or religious customs, unless due permission is granted by agency. He also said, interrupting by activists is illegal and they should have gone to police with complaints. It’s a balanced and fair stand and issue should be stopped for further discussions.

It’s also important that people cannot observe religious customs at the cost of wasting working hours. Even in corporates & Government offices such trend of Friday afternoon namaz is increasing over last 5 years, which need to be curtailed for better productivity & keeping decorum & discipline.

Equally, if there is trend in Hindus , in same manner, it is also required to be stopped. Such issues should not be seen as religious matter but a social malice.

The only religion to be followed should be humanity & nature protection, for which Namaz or Arti is not required but to good works and not to do bad things