My message to Sh Anil Swarup Ji Secretary HRD Ministry GoI

My message to Sh Anil Swarup Ji Secretary HRD Ministry GoI

Rajiv Goyal

Respected Sir

On behalf of many students who have been burdened by CBSE by announcing re-conduct of economics exam; wish to bring before you issues which need your kind attention:
a. CBSE is itself not sure whether it was a mischief or a real incident of leakage, for which only a FIR is lodged and investigations are yet to be done; there is no point becoming nervous and announcing a decision in haste

b. Even if it is presumed, it was a real incident of leakage; it is for sure lacs of students were not part of conspiracy and for mis-deeds of few, lacs should not be subjected to harassment. When SC has ruled in many cases, giving highest protection to single innocent person while 10s may be freed by giving benefit of doubts, in executive , we are harassing lacs while to catch 10s who are unknown

c. Why only students should suffer and why not Chairman CBSE also suffer punishment for such a lapse, if it has actually happened.

d. Professional exams are either required to be postponed by a month or re-examination need to be stayed by Ministry Order sir to protect interest of lacs of innocent students.

e. Sir, 100s of students and parents are arguing whether exams at all centres were conducted without cheating? Certainly No. it’s the same situation where few students have been benefitted with malpractices but CBSE has not chosen for re-exam of full centre .

f. Sir, it’s a matter of future prospects and career of lacs of students , and without re-examination, Police / CBI inquiry may proceed to find culprits.

Hope Sir, you shall find some level of genuine cause to stay CBSE order and forward matter to Hon’ble HRD Minister and Hon’ble Prime Minister to protect , as a guardian of lacs of students. Lacs of students shall be thankful to you Sir